Release: Board of Estimates Agenda for 3/16

Friday Mar 11th, 2022

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - The Board of Estimates agenda for the March 16th meeting is now available. It can be found on the Comptroller's website under the Board of Estimates tab.

Items of note:

Pages 6-7, Item #4, DPW, Extra Work Order # 1 for WC 1365, Berea Neighborhood and Vicinity Water Main Rehabilitation.  This is a no-cost time extension. According to the documentation submitted by DPW, MBE attainment is 3.3% towards a 12% goal and WBE is 0.66% towards a 6% goal, and the work is 62% complete. 

Page 8, Office of Equity & Civil Rights, 2022 Prevailing Wage Rate Recommendations.

Pages 33-35, Item #1, Bureau of Procurement, Renewal of Contract No. 08000 for Human Resource Information, Automatic Processing, E-Time, and Enterprise Payroll System Licensing with ADP, Inc. End-users are Finance and HR.  Renewal extends the contract through 12/31/22 and adds $4.8 Million in value.  The last time this contract was presented was November 3, 2021, when the Board approved a retroactive extension and added $4.8 Million in value.  This is the first of two renewal options to keep the “historical data access” services going for the City’s legacy payroll system.

Pages 42-43, Item #7, Bureau of Procurement, Award of Contract 06000 for Election Services with McAfee Election Services, Inc.  End-user is Board of Elections and award amount is $1,650,797. 

Pages 43-44, Item #8, Bureau of Procurement, Extension of Contract 08000 for Data Transformation Using Proprietary Applaud Software with Premier International Enterprises, Inc.  End-users are BCIT, HR, and Finance.  The extension adds $100,000 in value and extends the contract term through 3/31/23. Total contract would be $1.85 Million dating to 2019.

Pages 54-55, Item #17, Bureau of Procurement, Report of Emergency Procurement for DPW.  Among these items is a $600,000 payment to Raftelis Financial Consultants for “Emergency Consultant Services for Water Billing, Metering, and Customer Service.”

Pages 58-59, Item #19, Bureau of Procurement, Report of Emergency Procurement for BCIT.  Among the items is a $416,224.55 payment to Corbett Technology Solutions, Inc. for “Audio/Video Conferencing Upgrade at City Hall.” 

Page 63, DHR, Consultant Agreement with POLIHIRE Strategy Corp for conducting a national search and hiring process for a new Director of Finance.  Contract amount is $34,000. 

Page 75, Dept. of Finance, Fire Department Special Event Rate Increase. The recommendation is to increase the rate from $45 to $60 per hour. This item addresses one of the findings in a Performance Audit of the Fire Department from last October.

Pages 76-77, Dept. of Finance, PILOT Agreement for Weinberg Place Apartments.

Page 85, Office of Recovery Programs, Grant Agreement with Baltimore Public Markets Corporation.  Grant amount is $4,917,957.  This is an ARPA grant to fund assistance for small business stall build-outs at Lexington Market.

Page 108, Mayor’s Office, Second Amendment to Non-Construction Consultant Agreement with Ernst & Young LLP. The amendment will extend the period of the agreement for six months and increase the funding by $90,000. Total contract will increase in funding to $750,000.

Page 136, Department of Finance, Request to approve the Master Services Agreement between the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and Paymentus Corporation. Amount is $96,760. A Protest was received from Kutak Rock LLP Representing ACI Payments, Inc.

Page 143, DPW, Recommendation for Contract Awards, WC 1252, Grantley Road and Vicinity Water Main Replacement. Amount is $6,901,193.50 to Monumental Paving and Excavating. A Protest and Supplemental Protest was received from Metra Industries. A response to the Protest was received From Monumental Paving and Excavating. This item was deferred from the March 2 BOE meeting.

Page 144, DPW, Recommendation for Contract Awards, WC 1410, Urgent Need Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Improvements Phase I – FY ’21. Amount is $8,633,000 to Spiniello Companies.  A Protest and Supplements to Protest were received form Metra Industries. A Protest was received from R.E. Harrington Plumbing and Heating Company. This item was deferred from the March 2 BOE meeting.

Page 145, DPW, Recommendation for Contract Awards, WC 1285, Caroline Street & Vicinity Water Main Replacements. Amount is $8,310,558 to Civil Construction, LLC. A Protest was received from Metra Industries. A response to the Protest was received from Civil Construction, LL. This item was deferred from the March 2 BOE meeting.

Page 147, Bureau of Procurement, Pay Invoice of Unauthorized Expenditure to Logikcull for cloud-based software services. End-user is the Office of the Inspector General. Amount is $35,000.

Baltimore Police Department

Pages 37-38, Item #3, Bureau of Procurement, Increase for Contract B50005818 for Paper Targets with The Target Shop, LLC. End-user is BPD.  The increase adds $25,000 in value.

Pages 39-41, Item #5, Bureau of Procurement, Increase for Contract B50004568 for Provide Various Rental Vehicles with three separate vendors.  End-users are BPD, DPW, and others. The increase adds $3 Million in value to a contract that expires on 7/31/22.  According to the Board Memo, the increase will allow payment for “…future invoices for rental fees, fines and damages to various vehicles.” Total contract would be $21.5 Million dating to 2016. 

Pages 44-45, Item #9, Bureau of Procurement, Extension of Contract B50003712 for Court Reporting with Free State Reporting. End-users are Liquor Board, Zoning Board, BPD, DHCD, ERS, and Fire & Police Retirement System. The extension is retroactive to 11/1/21 through 10/31/22 and adds $20,000 in value. The extension is being requested “while a new solicitation is released and awarded.”

To attend the meeting:

Please note Baltimore City Hall is currently closed to the public. All Board of Estimates meetings will be conducted via remote video conference. Members of the public can call in via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2330 145 5436 or stream live at Charm TV's website.

Recordings of each BOE meeting can also be found on Charm TV’s website and Youtube channel.

Mayor Brandon Scott has announced that City Hall will reopen to the public starting April 4th.  More information is available at this link

To address the board:

Procedures for addressing the Board have changed. New rules for submitting Protests and Statements of Opposition are available at the Comptroller's Website. Protests (written challenges to the award of a bid) must be received by noon on Monday, March 14th. 

Members of the public can submit Statements of Opposition. Statements must be received by noon on Tuesday, March 15th. 

Protests and and Statements of Opposition must be submitted to, cc: or by mail or hand delivery to Attn: Clerk, Board of Estimates Room 204, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street. 

The complete regulations on procurement, protests, minority and women-owned business enterprises, and debarment/suspensions can be found on the Comptroller's website.


The Board meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of June and December. Please see the Comptroller’s website for a detailed BOE meeting schedule and associated submission deadlines.

Bid openings:

The Board has implemented changes to the bid opening process. Under temporary emergency procedures, Board Members will not meet for televised meetings to read the bids aloud as they are opened. Instead, paper bids will be opened, tabulated and certified by the Clerk of the Board of Estimates.

Bid tabulation sheets detailing bid proposals received will be publicly posted to the Comptroller’s website by close of business on the date of bid opening.

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