Advisory: Comptroller Henry's Public Schedule December 13-17

Monday Dec 13th, 2021

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Weekly Public Schedule

Monday, December 13

5pm: Biennial Audits Oversight Commission Meeting

Comptroller Henry will participate in a meeting of the Biennial Audits Oversight Commission this evening. BAOC is tasked with providing guidance to the City Auditor on the scope of performance audits. The meeting will be broadcast live on Charm TV's cable channel (Channel 25/1085HD) and online at

Wednesday, December 15

9am: Board of Estimates Meeting

Comptroller Henry will participate in a virtual meeting of the Board of Estimates. Residents and members of the press can watch live on CharmTV’s cable channel (Channel 25/1085HD) and online at

12pm: Board of Estimates Bid Opening

Comptroller Henry will participate in the Board of Estimates bid opening. Residents and members of the press can watch live on CharmTV’s cable channel (Channel 25/1085HD) and online at

Additions or changes to this schedule will be sent out as they occur, and will be posted to the Comptroller's website.

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