Release: Recap of the February 3rd Board of Estimates Meeting

Wednesday Feb 3rd, 2021

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - This morning, Baltimore City's Board of Estimates met at 9 am.


Mayor Scott abstained on the following item:

Page 76, Health Department – Agreements Items I & 2.

The Mayor is abstaining due to a family member who works at Johns Hopkins.

Comptroller Henry abstained on the following items:

Pages 4-5, Item #4 Personnel/Office of the Comptroller/Office of Communications Services

“I am abstaining from acting on this item because the positions affected by this item are under the control and supervision of the Comptroller’s Office.”

Page 14. Fire and Police Employees’ Retirement System/Investment Management Agreement

Page 15, Fire and Police Employees’ Retirement System/Subscription Agreement

“I am abstaining from acting on these items because I serve on the Board of the Fire and Police Employees’ Retirement System. “

Council President Mosby, Acting DPW Director Matt Garbark and Acting City Solicitor Jim Shea did not have any abstentions.

Items of note on the routine agenda:

  1. Page 16 - The Board approved DHCD’s memorandum of understanding with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development for the Department’s Lead Hazard Reduction Program Grant. Total grant cost: $1,750,000.00 to support 250 lead units completed and cleared, and 120 healthy homes units completed and cleared.
  2. Page 55 – The Board approved DOF’s request to approve and authorize execution of the Modification to Grant Agreement with the Maryland Department of Commerce. The modification will increase the amount of the Grant to the Grantee by $3,942,831.00. The Department of Commerce will disperse grants to restaurants to promote and encourage stabilization within the hospitality and restaurant industry.

Non routine agenda:

  1. Page 13 - The Board noted the receipt of the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development Biennial Financial Audit Report Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, presented by City Auditor Josh Pasch.
  2. Page 36 - The Board approved DHCD’s land disposition agreement with Unity Properties, Inc. for 13 vacant properties to be developed into an urban farm. Total purchase price: $6,500.00.
  3. Page 42 – The Board approved the Space Utilization’s Request to transfer four schools to DGS’ inventory from BCPSS. The properties are 2810 Shirley Avenue, 3750 Greenspring Avenue, 3434 Old Frederick Road, and 5545 Kennison Avenue.
  4. Page 60-61 - The Board approved DPW’s Task Assignment No. 010 of Engineering & Construction to CC Johnson & Malhotra, P.C. (Consultant), under Project No. 1238C for $233,051.00.
  5. Page 68 – The Board deferred a vote on DGS’ Contract No. B50004338 – Furnish and Install Carpet until the next meeting of the Board of Estimates.
  6. Page 79 – The Board deferred a vote on DPW’s Extra Work Order (EWO) #001, $273,700.00 – S.C 956, Improvements to Sanitary Sewer Collection System in the Herring Run Sewershed until the next meeting of the Board of Estimates.
  7. Page 85 – The Board approved the contract termination between the Baltimore Police Department and Persistent Surveillance Systems, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability.

Board meeting summaries can be found here 3 business days after the meeting.

Recordings of each BOE meeting can also be found on Charm TV’s website and Youtube channel.

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